Notas detalhadas sobre cobogó

Creio que você já teve problemas em tomar uma mixagem em sua sala, e quando vai escutar em outro local o som soa diferente.

The trio of engineers named these bricks, “Cobogó”, for no other reason than to incorporate the first two letters of each of their last names into the name: “CO” “BO” and “GO”.

Representando um ENORME avanço Destes ares condicionados por janela, os ares condicionados centrais resfriam a coisa toda ao invés por unicamente um ambiente.

Boeing funded model and full scale ground tests were performed to provide insight and technical background relating to acoustic and propulsion performance of plug nozzles. The information thus obtained was used in the design of the full scale hardware. Full scale engine ground tests were performed on two configuration of the Phase 2 upper goal quiet nacelle to determine its acoustic and propulsion performance and to permit comparison with the performance of the Phase 1 nacelle.

You won't be surprised to hear that the shape and furnishings of a room can affect the way things sound-- we have all experienced extreme cases such as large echoey bathrooms and overstuffed restaurants.

A grande maioria Destes home studios opera em 1 ou dois cômodos da lar ou apartamento com tratamento destemido. Para muitos deles, isto não chega a trazer inconvenientes.

These same principles can be applied to floors and ceilings. A heavy false ceiling hung on springs can match the performance of a double wall-- If there is a room below the studio, it should get a double ceiling too.

A properly built hardwood floor should not leak much sound, but sometimes contractors cut corners when a house has wall to wall carpet-- you should lift a corner of the carpet and see what is really below.

This can be tested with a mirror and a flashlight. Set the mirror on the console and hold the flashlight by your ear aimed at the mirror. If the light beam falls on or near the speakers there is a potential reflection problem. check here This can usually be fixed by propping up the back of the board.

Para resolver o problema dos barulhos causados pelos computadores, o acessório possui isolamento contra superaquecimento, contendo 1 ventilador de resfriamento silencioso e um alarme no caso do ocorrerem eventuais problemas.

As lãs por vidro read more ISOVER Wallfelt 4+ foram desenvolvidas de modo a proporcionar isolamento website por paredes em sistemas por construçãeste a seco: drywall e light steel frame.

Apesar do muitos considerarem ESTES painéis acústicos uma arma primordial no combate de problemas por acústica nos estúdios…

Quando é dobrada a distância entre a fonte e o cobogo receptor, a intensidade do som cai seis dB em campo livre e considerando uma fonte pontual e 3 dB considerando uma fonte por linha A cerca de um plano refletor.

The bricks, which are typically used to provide ventilation and shade inside Brazilian homes, are more info characterised by their decorative perforated patterns, which are used here en masse to stunning effect.

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